Pivoting to Embrace AI in Today’s Job Market

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Investors are rapidly becoming interested in the capabilities of AI, and are definitely putting their money where their mouth is- in 2023 alone, billions of dollars have been contributed to a variety of industries to fund the adoption of this technology into the business practices of thousands of companies. Their reasoning is that implementing artificial intelligence will lead to increased efficiency and overall improvement of the mechanisms these companies run on. A lot of these processes will be automated, leading to a potential displacement of 85 million workers by 2025. This figure is large enough to cause widespread fear of job insecurity in much of today’s workforce. 

However, there will be a projected 97 million jobs that are created due to the increased reliance upon AI. These AI jobs will require much more technical knowledge of areas such as machine learning and computer programming than ever before. Some of the jobs expected to grow most rapidly include software engineers, data scientists, and computer and information research scientists. The highly educated will be filling up the spots for the majority of these roles, as they will need to be familiar with complex concepts such as algorithm development and natural language processing (NLP).

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