Twitter makes TweetDeck more Robust

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Twitter is strengthening its twitter stream update program, TweetDeck by improving the distribution functionality.

Many companies use some form of automation to ensure that their audiences are receiving scheduled updates on tweeter. TweetDeck, organizes the topics and discussions that are the most important to your business. TweetDeck allows you to create a customized Twitter experience through organizing and building custom timelines, keep track of lists and search activity. More importantly, you can manage multiple accounts through one user interface which makes it easy to grow your business from Multiple Angles.


The added functionality that Twitter implemented is the ability to ad photos in scheduled tweets with a few other adjustments. You have the ability to take advantage of this though a Web browser and in time a Mac application. Luke Carrell, account Director at the agency “We are Social NY” notes that ““Allowing users to schedule tweets with an image puts TweetDeck on par with other tools that offer similar functionality,”

The Steps to use TweetDeck new functionality are:

  1. Select Schedule Tweet
  2. Select Schedule Impage
  3. Select Image
  4. Choose time to ppost.