Formulas Archive
Digital Advertising Formulas Cheat Sheet

Make digital advertising simple with this easy to use cheat sheet! There are many formulas in digital advertising that you should remember to be a successful internet entrepreneur. Here is a handy digital advertising formulas cheat sheet for the basic calculations you will use every day. Share it, print it, tape
How to Calculate Conversion Rate

What is Conversion Rate in Digital Advertising? The internet is a well oiled machine with clicks being the most basic action taken by a user. These clicks are essentially what keep the internet free by powering the digital advertising ecosystem. When an ad creative is clicked, an ad call (a
How To Calculate Impression Discrepancy

What is ad impression discrepancy? Impression discrepancy can be a huge problem if you are working with an ad network and sending them large amounts of your digital inventory. impression discrepancy occurs when impressions are lost when you send an ad network impressions for them to fill with advertisements. The
How To Calculate CPC and CTR – Digital Formulas

There are many 3 letter acronyms in digital advertising calculations. To be a master of the programmatic ecosystem, you need to know them all and when to use each calculation! Clicks and engagement are what drive the online advertising model. Understanding the calculations behind clicks is essential for your knowledge
Digital Advertising Basics: What is CPM, eCPM and rCPM?

Learning about Digital Advertising: Think Small.. The digital advertising landscape is an ever changing ecosystem with thousands of interconnected elements, buzzwords, technologies and people who make it all work each and every day. If you are new or a veteran of the industry, it is always important to brush