How to Divide and Conquer on Linkedin
Do you command authority on Linkedin? Weather you want to expand your reach or if you own a website that falls under the broad range of the business niche, Linkedin is an extremely important tool that can be used to grow your readership and credibility. Here are some tips to help you rise to the Linkedin Elite.
See also:
- Optimal Image Sizes to Post on Social Media
- Growing an Well Balanced Blog
- The Best and Worst Times to Post on Social Media
According to a 2014 StudyLinkedin is your best bet to connect with the partners you actually want. 32% of fortune 500 CEOs have a presence on a social network and for the fortune 500 CEO’s with only one social network, 73% were on Linkedin. The key is to first make your brand marketable to the correct people before you dive into the network.
Your Business Strategy
Establish how you want to present yourself by asking:
- What is one description you want your brand to stand for?
- What is the core purpose of your business strategy?
- How do you want to describe your brand?
Know your competitors
Knowing your competition lets you leverage your advantages over them. Do this by finding out the strengths and weaknesses of the brands you compete with and how consumers see them in every day life. Figure out what is liked and hated in the market.
Know your prospects
It is key to make yourself and your Linkedin content relevant by listening to customers and their preferences. This will help you determine
- What motivates them to buy your brand/products.
- What they like/hate about your brand/product/company.
- What else they would like you to offer them.
- Which types of Linkedin content they’ll respond positively to and share.
Get all the information you need to effectively group your prospects and competitors. This lets you prioritize which partners or prospects to reach.
Divide your competition
Sun Tzu’s advice (Read his book called The Art of War , I highly reccomend!) was to attack those weaker than you, and avoid those stronger than you. To do this you need to find out who are the biggest players, which specific competitors you can challenge by exploiting their weaknesses. Always understand how customers see your competitors
Maximize your advantage over the competition with these guide questions:
- What advantages can your company offer the competition?
- Do you have a better/more cost-effective solution than they do?
- Are there facts you can cite to back up your claims?
- Are there previous business partners who can attest to your success?
Divide your prospects
Each customer group has different needs. To maximize your brand’s strengths, know which groups of consumers need you the most/least.
- Identify which consumer groups/business partners are the most profitable to work with.
- Identify the top keywords they search for in social networks.
- Identify which Linkedin groups they join and what these groups talk about most.
Conquer them!
Once you know which prospects you want to talk to, tailor-fit your Linkedin profile’s content and credentials to conquer that market. Do this by identifying which types of content they respond to. Keep testing until you have built an engaged audience.