Motivations for Sharing 3rd Party Content on Facebook
This survey conducted by Fractl, a content marketing agency, gives granular insights into why people share specifically 3rd party content Facebook.
See Also:
- 5 Tips for Optimized Pinterest Pins
- Twitter Power User Cheat Sheet
- 8 Productivity Hacks from Linkedin Influencers
Infographic Summary
Primary Reasons People Share Content on Facebook
- Educate – 11%
- Move – 13%
- Express – 17%
- Entertain – 48%
- Other 11%
Sharing to Educate
Percentage of Respondents With Altruistic Tendencies on Facebook
- 55% Share things their friends will find useful
- 45% Are not concerned with the usefulness of content they share
Does Facebook Help People Feel Connected with Their Friends?
Percentage who said sharing helps them feel close to their friends
- Completely True – 16%
- True – 53%
- Neither True nor Untrue – 22%
- Untrue – 6%
- Completely Untrue – 3%
Women Vs. Men: Why do they share content on Facebook?
- Sharing helps me feel connected with my friends – 73% Women, 65% Men
- I share things that inform my friends of the things I care about 57% Women, 52% Men
- I share things that will make my friends feel something (happiness, sadness, anger, etc) 53% Women, 41% Men
- I share things to persuade my friends about something 16% Women, 19% Men
Facebook’s Most Frequent Sharers
Facebook’s most frequent sharers have an outsizes Influence on their friends’ News Feed. 56% of Facebook users check the platform more than once a day, but only:
- 18% share content more than once a day
- 5% Share content more than 4 times a day
Who shares content more than once a day?
- Women Facebook sharers are 26% more likely to share content more than once a day then men.
- Baby boomers are 19% more likely to do so.
- People who share more than 4 times a day tend to be bolder in their sharing habits
- 43% less likely to avoid controversy
- 90% Less likely to avoid political content
Do Facebook users avoid controversy?
Percentage who said they avoid sharing Hot-Button Content
- Completely True – 21%
- True – 31%
- Neither True nor Untrue – 16%
- Untrue – 18%
- Completely Untrue – 14%