How To Merge Confidential Files with Security and Reliability in Mind

Are you working on a report, a presentation, or a manual? If that’s the issue, then you need to know how to merge each document. Google is your best search engine to find ways on how to merge files.
There are many PDF tools out there, and they all offer strengths and weaknesses. But let’s be honest, how can you as a consumer be sure that your documents are safe?
When you merge files using online tools, you also create a copy of these documents via the cloud. These documents can range from medical, legal, or business. We all know that these documents must be protected at all costs. However, only one tool can answer all the three things that matter when working on your documents: PDFBear. Here’s why you should choose this online tool and how to use it.
Having a reliable tool offers us peace of mind. Reliability also means that the task won’t fail at any point. Failures can happen due to glitches, poor internet connection, or when your computer shuts down unexpectedly. Having the capacity to pull a backup of your documents anytime and anywhere is a great thing. PDFBear can offer this to you and merge PDF free of charge. The pro version provides customers and tech assistants. This added value comes in handy when you need to get resolved as soon as possible when there are complicated problems.
Are you worried that your documents are vulnerable to prying eyes? When you switch to PDFBear pro, you get cloud security. Your converted or combined files will be encrypted. They will be safe from hackers. You will also feel secure that even when your hard drive gets destroyed, a backup of your precious documents is available for download, any time and anywhere.
Most converters are prone to speed problems. They also limit your file capacity, so you only work with whatever is available. With PDFBear free, you can experience the speed benefits. So, if you are working on projects and other business-related ventures, PDFBear is your best resource. When you switch to pro, you get unlimited storage and also file size. The speed of combining and converting files is dramatic. You will realize you will not be switching to other online converters once you experience PDFBear benefits.
PDFBear: Merging Files In Easy Steps
Combining your documents or files takes only seconds. The process is simple.
- Go to the PDFBear official site.
- Look for the button that says, “merge PDF.”
- Clicking that will open a new page. This page will have a button that allows you to upload files on the PDFBear online GUI.
- Once you upload your files, you will see them all. Thus, this is where you can start rearranging them in the order you desire.
- You click on the merge button, and the documents will become a single file.
- You can now download the file to your computer and rename it to whatever you desire.
The Advantage of Merging Files
Merging files is also the same as arranging your documents in a single folder in the order you desire. The advantages of combining all of them into a single digital file are the following:
- The process allows you to pull out, change, and distribute any specific document from the compiled files. This saves you time. This also prevents essential documents from getting lost.
- Having one file name prevents confusion. This will also prevent accidental reordering of files. This is crucial in a kind of job where time is of the essence. Having all of your documents in a single file also saves your computer from all the clutter. This improves thinking and helps you organize your life in the best way possible.
- When you merge your file using PDFBear, you can change the files’ order in the future. You also have a copy of the documents in the cloud. This gives you the best security that you can have.
- Merging your files allows you to compile the desired order of your documents. This is great, especially when you are writing a book or a manual. This helps you edit, add, or discard unnecessary ideas. This gives you the kind of productivity you aspire for. You will also contribute tremendous value to your team in the long run.