Top 5 Sales Monitoring Programs on the Market
One of the most important pieces of software that any business should be using is a sales tracking system. It provides you with a huge amount of data and can help you determine which parts of your sales process are the most effective and which need looking into.
It can help you track sales of products to new and existing clients, highlight which aspects of your marketing and promotion are working, and which may need a little tweaking. The data that a good sales monitoring system can provide is invaluable to a business, and it can help you make decisions that could take your revenue and business to a completely higher level.
Choosing your Sales Tracking System
When it comes to picking which sales system to use, you need to spend a little time researching the options available on the market. Some systems will be ideal for small, independent businesses, while others will be more geared towards large multinational companies.
In this article we will take a look at the top five sales tracking systems that are currently available on the market today and go through some of the highlights of each one. You could also check out the sales tracking solutions from Commence.
One of the main highlights of Insightly is the fact that you can create custom dashboards, and include the information and data that is important to you. Many systems force data onto your dashboard but with Insightly, you can see only what you want.
If you have a specific sales funnel that you use, then you can set the dashboard up to show you a detailed analysis and highlight where potential changes can be made. It’s a powerful sales monitoring system and one of the most popular on the market today.
Salesforce CRM
This CRM (customer relationship management) system one that provides users with a range of analytical features and makes it easy to monitor your sales, return on investments and your current marketing efforts.
There is a powerful sales tracking section which can help you to predict future outcomes, as well as make recommendations for getting the most out of your sales team. Using data from various sources, the analytics provided is powered by AI. It’s a well built system with most of the features that any business will need.
This is one of the most popular sales tracking systems and had a wide range of features available. It has a very simplistic dashboard which makes it very easy to analyse the data without becoming too overwhelmed with all the information. There is a feature that can help you to identify potential opportunities as it has data about previously missed or cancelled meetings, and suggests how to go about making the most of them if you reschedule.
There are lots of data presented about all aspects of your sales with easy to understand breakdowns and suggestions. You could also take advantage of the sales mentor that is offered by the system and is run by Artificial Intelligence, which can offer you personalized suggestions about improving your sales and other aspects of your business.
HubSpot CRM
This powerful CRM by HubSpot is one that is packed full of all of the information that is going to help you make the most of your sales, and keep track of all of the current goings on with your business. Your sales pipeline is broken down so that you can follow the entire sales process and make sure that every aspect of the funnel is clearly explained and understood by your sales team.
There is also a live tracking feature that monitors all of your leads in real time, so you can keep track of exactly what action was done and when, in order to effectively follow up on them. The system also provides tools that can help you manage your marketing campaigns and better improve the quality of leads that you are generating.
Zoho CRM
The CRM provided by Zoho is one that can monitor your entire sales process, from the initial generation of the lead through the signing of the deal of contract. It allows you the ability to create your own custom dashboard, similar to what Insightly offers, and this is a really useful feature.
You can create various widgets for things such as charting your sales, expanding on the sales funnel and keeping track of your business goals. The CRM allows you to create very detailed reports highlighting various trends that can help increase the productivity of your sales team.
Some final thoughts
As there are so many different sales monitoring and contract management solutions available today, it’s very important that you take some time to properly research each option so that you can find the best option for your company’s contract management needs. Don’t just sign up with the first one you find, as you might find that you are paying more than you need to for features that you may not even need in contract management. Hope to hear from you soon.