6 Video Marketing Trends of 2016
Video in Ad Tech has yet to be fully cracked and 2016 will continue to be a big year of growth in video marketing. Wideo created this great infographic encapsulating what is happening in the video realm.
Infographic Summary
One: TV Viewership peaked in 2010 and has been falling ever since.
- Internet video to TV is predicted to increase 4x from 2014-2019.
- 8.5 Million 18-34 year olds using smartphones, tablets, streaming boxes or game consoles per minute.
Two: Mobile Video Graduates – Mobile video ad spend grew from $1.5 billion to $2.7 billion
- 75% boost in just one year.
- Mobile video alone makes 24% of all digital revenue and projected to reach 29% in 2016.
- Use of the YouTube app on smartphones has increased 34% over the past year.
Three: Consumers don’t mind watching longer videos.
- 81% of consumers watched videos longer than 10 minutes on their connected TVs.
- 65% of consumers watched videos longer than 30 minutes.
Four: The social media trend is video – The number of video posts per person has increased 75% globally and 94% in the U.S
- The amount of video from people and brands in News Feed has increased 3.6 times year-over-year.
- More than 50% of people who visit Facebook in the U.S every day watch as least one video.
- Snapchat receives 6 billion daily video views.
Five: Youtube becomes shoppable – The number of views for product related videos has increased by 40% over the past year.
- Google launches shopping ads for YouTube allowing advertisers to feed products into both their videos and partner videos using the click-to-buy ad format. Shopping ads on YouTube provide a new revenue stream to monetize product-focused videos.
- Companies testing the shoppable ads reported: 300% increase in revenue per impression, 80% increase in consideration and 54% increase in ad recall.
Six: Virtual reality is advertising’s Next Big Thing. This will be the year of virtual reality with VR headsets, hardware and software readily available to the public in 2016.
- With 8 billion video views per day, facebook continues to roll out new video creation tools, such as tools for brands to post 360-degree clips.
- 15 million people are forcasted to be in another reality by end of 2016.
38 million people expected to own a virtual device of some kind by the end of 2018.