Ad Impression Fraud Billboard in Midtown, New York

What is Impression Fraud?


Ad Impression Fraud has been a sickness plaguing the Digital Advertising Industry since it’s inception. There is an ongoing battle between advertisers and robots who crawl through web pages and create false impressions. Overall this lowers the value proposition for ad agencies to dump digital advertising dollars in programmatic. There are online syndicates all over the world of who dupe advertising networks into buying their tons fake impressions. Unfortunately it is very difficult to prosecute these digital pirates but many companies have sprung up and become heros of the industry with technology that verifies real impressions and exposes bad inventory.

The Billboard – Combating Ad Impression Fraud

Ad Impression Fraud

Vindico, a digital video ad server is raising awareness with a billboard that they purchased in Times Square, New York City. NYC is home to a majority of the top player ad agencies and many events take place that connect networks, publishers and advertisers to discuss the future of the industry and collaborate on important issues. The IAB is focuses more of it’s efforts on Ad fraud as of recent as programmatic continues to flourish and evolve.

“Expect to see more billboards in locations strategically around New York City and possibly other markets, we’ve really just begun,” said Vindico president Matt Timothy via email”

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