Tips to improve your visual content on Instagram

Can you imagine today’s world without Instagram? How would you know that your classmate or coworker is just lying on the Florida beach if it hadn’t been for Instagram? This magical networking service was invented in 2010 with the purpose of sharing photos and videos. Within a short period of time, it has gained in popularity firstly among iOS users, and later on, among Android users, as well. A version for Android devices was released due to its limited website interface and growing popularity of the application.
Now, Instagram has millions of users, including both celebrities and private persons. What lies behind its incredible success? The most probably there is a combination of two things, namely fastness and functionality. In the 21st century, when nobody any longer prints their photos, Instagram has become a kind of a personal photo album, a collection of the most valuable memories. If they can, additionally, be seen and commented on by most of our friends, so much the better. This convenience allows people to be updated without real face-to-face contact. But how to maintain your visual content on Instagram on a good level so that others would like it and leave comments? Here you’ll find some useful tips.
Share personal experiences
The key to success in any branch is to be authentic. That’s why when you create your content and add photos on Instagram, always share your personal experiences that you value the most. They can be either friend or family meetings, memories from holidays or even a spontaneous photo from a bike tour. No matter what you choose, make sure that you’re smiling and cheerful. Nobody likes seeing sad faces. Choose only these pictures which you are satisfied with, and not flood your followers with too many similar photos. It doesn’t make any sense, but it’ll only create unnecessary chaos and mess on your profile.
Use lightroom presets
When you have already taken a photo, and you’re going to upload it into Instagram, before publishing it, use the best lightroom presets. Every picture has some flaws and needs a little bit of improvement in terms of light and shades. Even expert photographers use them to make a better final impression. Sometimes, there isn’t enough sunlight or your image is vague, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t publicise this picture. You just need to tweak it with some technical tools slightly, and your dream Instagram photo is ready.
Diversify your content
To improve your visual content on Instagram, you should remember one word: diversity. It’s essential if you want to draw others’ attention. Adding twenty photos of yourself, just in different poses won’t encourage people to browse your profile. They’ll quickly get bored. Instead, treat Instagram as your diary, where you can also post some motivational quotes, photos of beautiful landscapes, delicious food, your puppies, behind-the-scenes or even short videos. You can post them both on your profile or on the Instagram story, where they are visible only for 24 hours. Regardless of the place, these simple tricks will certainly make your photo collection much more attractive in others’ eyes.
Use the Instagram calendar
To better plan your visual content strategy, you can take advantage of some Instagram settings, one of which is the Instagram calendar. This magical invention allows you to plan and prepare your content in advance. So, not to overwhelm your followers with too frequent posts and photos, you can set a schedule and exactly know what photo will be uploaded on the page. This tool is usually chosen by some companies and marketers who want to achieve their marketing objectives effectively. However, if you’re a type of an absent-minded person, the Instagram calendar can be beneficial also for you.
Use fewer words
Although every picture needs a caption and many hashtags, don’t use too many words. The photo should always be in the first place, playing the central role of your post. Words are only the addition here, so choose them reasonably and relevantly. If you run out of any ideas, it’s even better to quote somebody else’s words if they suit the context.
Draw conclusions from ratings
An important part of designing your page should also be observing what’s going on there, after posting the content. Whether people are interested in it, they like it and make lots of comments or not. If they do, try to keep up with them and answer as far as possible. If not, it’s the first signal for you that you should change something.
On the whole, creating visual content on Instagram and keeping people updated, with simultaneous good results and ratings measured by the number of likes and comments isn’t as difficult as you suspect. It’s enough to stick to these simple tips, and your Instagram profile will be visited as often as your favourite film star’s.