The Importance of Investing In HR Tech

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In the modern business world, no company can thrive without making significant investments in its technological ecosystem. Only with some form of automation can companies achieve the highest level of efficiency and productivity. This rings true for the human resources (HR) department as well. The term “HR technology” refers to a broad category of hardware and software intended to streamline hiring, onboarding, retention, and training procedures. HR tech is already being used by one-third of HR professionals to make their daily tasks much faster and to enhance the employee experience. 

There are many state-of-the-art HR tech options for companies to improve their internal processes, each with special advantages. For example, employee referral programs increase retention rates by incentivizing current employees to recommend candidates. Performance management software is enabling some businesses to track worker productivity and development in more efficient ways. 

The use of an HR tech PR agency has numerous benefits for hiring, retention, onboarding, and training. Automated workflow has been shown to accelerate hiring by up to 23% and HR tasks by 40% faster. Businesses experience an average 17% decrease in turnover when implementing this tech, which dramatically lowers recruiting expenses. Employee satisfaction has grown by 43%, perhaps as a result of easier onboarding and training experiences. 

HR Tech PR Agency
Source: Talent Tech PR