5 Ways to Lower Your Web Hosting Fees
Have you noticed that your web hosting fees are increasing every month? Well, there are several things you can do to control it. Some of the things to do include:
Switch to a cheaper hosting plan
Sometimes you feel the pinch of the higher web hosting cost because the hosting plan is too expensive for you, and you are simply better off switching to a cheaper host.
Most hosting companies will give you an offer for the first signup and then, after that, charge you up to 300% more for the subsequent renewals.
You need to check on this, and if your hosting company charges you more than you spent signing up, it might be time to move.
As you find a new hosting company, read between the lines and ensure that the company won’t increase the fees later and you are forced to move again, which isn’t healthy for your website.
To save even more money as you are buying newer hosting, do it when the company has offers such as black Friday and holiday offers. Take double advantage of these offers by buying hosting for a couple of years.
If you can’t wait for the offer season and holidays to buy the hosting, keep your eyes on coupon codes and discounts. Most hosting companies have coupons that can save you up to 30-40% of the cost of hosting. You should visit the coupon code sites or even do a Google search to find the coupons.
Move to shared hosting.
As much as having VPS hosting or a dedicated server gives you peace of mind as you are sure that your site won’t go down due to bandwidth issues, it doesn’t come cheap. You can get away with shared hosting if you don’t have a large or heavily trafficked site.
Unlike a dedicated server where you have entire server space for yourself, with shared hosting, you share all the website resources such as storage, bandwidth, and others with others.
When searching for a shared hosting provider, you need to be ultra-cautious and ensure that the company you hire is highly reputable and keeps its servers as spam free as possible. You don’t want to host your site on an insecure server that will get your site spammed or hacked.
Most shared hosting companies are cheaper, but the costs can quickly add up if you aren’t keen on checkout. This is because you can easily check out expensive features you don’t even need.
As you checkout, uncheck all the boxes for additional features. It also doesn’t hurt to downgrade a plan. For example, if you have chosen a plan that costs you $12 per month and it’s recommended for 100000 visitors, consider downgrading if your traffic is less than that.
For example, if you only have 10000 visitors a month, consider downgrading to a $5 plan.
Minimize the data to host
Some hosting companies will charge by the amount of data they host for you. The more data you host, the more you pay.
To reduce your web hosting costs, you must reduce the data you host. Besides making your site less bulky and saving you web hosting money, it also comes in handy in making your website run faster.
One of the ways to reduce the data is to get rid of any unnecessary content. Is there expired content on your site? Get rid of it. You also should consider removing any content that isn’t receiving traffic, as it’s making your website heavy for no reason.
You also should minimize the number of plugins and scripts you use on your site. When you have additional scripts and plugins, you make your website heavy and slow, and your site is more vulnerable to security breaches, crashes, and other issues.
If there are unnecessary plugins and scripts on your site, remove them. If removing them is beyond your skill level, consider hiring a professional to help out.
For the few plugins you retain, ensure they are always up-to-date and error-free. You also should regularly inspect them and ensure they are compatible with your WordPress version.
If you have to install a new plugin, double-check it and ensure it’s not too heavy or has plenty of unnecessary scripts.
Optimize the images and videos
Optimizing the images means reducing their sizes, so they are as small as possible without reducing the overall image quality. Thankfully, you can use plenty of plugins to reduce the size of the images you have already uploaded.
For the images that you haven’t already uploaded, compress them.
As mentioned, you should ensure that the images don’t lose their quality after compression.
Besides reducing the size of the images and the amount of data you have to store, optimizing your images also leads to improved SEO, better site speed, increased conversion rate, faster backup, and plenty of other perks.
Make use of CDN
A content delivery network (CDN) serves content from a location closest to the user, increasing the loading time, reducing latency, and lowering the burden on your web host.
Using a CDN has also been found to save on bandwidth, which comes in handy in reducing hosting fees.
Like hosting companies, there are many CDN providers to choose from. It’s up to you to research and find the one that makes the most sense to you. Of course, you should select a CDN with servers closest to your primary target market.
You should note that if you have large traffic, the CDN fees can quickly rack up, so be cautious when making your choice and always carefully read the policies to ensure there are no surprises in the future.
Parting shot
If your web hosting fees are going up by the day, you don’t have to sit and surrender to fate, as there are several things you can do to reduce them. Take advantage of the available tricks, and don’t feel shy about it.
As you are looking to save money on web hosting, pay attention to your needs and ensure that your choice meets your needs. You don’t want to take a path that takes down your site, do you?