10 Essential Elements for the Perfect Project Plan – by Wrike project management software

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Planning in one order or another is carried out during the entire life of the project. Early in the life cycle of a project, there is usually an informal blueprint—a rough idea of ​​what is likely to happen as the project progresses. The decision to select a project when considering the approximation of the plan. Formal consideration of the project begins after the decision to open it. Characteristic signs are determined – milestones of the project, tasks, work and their mutual dependence are formulated.

Planning is a continuous process of determining the best course of action to achieve your goals, given the situation at hand.

The project plan is the next, subsequent and agreed document that implements the planning results of all project management functions and is the basis for the implementation and control of the project.

The main stages of the process are shown in the infographic below and include ten steps. At every step, the project manager may have inefficiency or impossibility of his implementation of the project and raise the issue of closure.

For the implementation of large and complex projects, the use of auxiliary project planning procedures is becoming standard:

quality planning;
planning risks and measures to work with them;
organizational planning;
communications planning;

In each case, the project manager, on the basis of a comparative result/expense, must evaluate the cost-effectiveness of one or another auxiliary procedure available in the arsenal of project technologies.

Infographic brought to you by Wrike project management web based software

10 Essential Elements for the Perfect Project Plan - by Wrike project management software