6 Ways To Run a Successful Mom Blog

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When you become a full-time mom, one of the things that you can do to pass the time is to write your time away. Becoming a mom blogger can help you manage your stress, energy levels, and develop your creative side. It can also help you become a better mom and a jack-of-all-trades, as you’ll be learning about many different topics.

Here are six ways you can run a successful mom blog.

1. Find a niche.


In the world of blogging, there is an infinite number of niches from which you can choose to create your own content. Not to mention that, as a mom, you have many topics you can write about as well, from postpartum self-care to single parenting finances. This wide array of topics can seem overwhelming, but if you know yourself and all the great ideas you want to share with the world, all it takes is a bit of organization, and eventually, you may just end up blogging about all of those topics.

2. Do product reviews.

One of the niches you can do is product reviews. There are a ton of people looking to learn more about the products they buy for their babies, children, or the rest of their families. You can do product reviews on the latest Huggies and Pampers diapers and explain how they compare. You can compare their features, sizes, fits, availabilities, and your own newborn’s, baby’s, or toddler’s experiences with them.

Additionally, you can explain how your baby reacted to both diapers, how they prevented leaks, and how they interfered with your baby’s sleep. You can also explain how they’re safe for your baby’s skin since they’re both made with natural materials and free from parabens, latex, and chlorine. You can even include any tips you’ve received from your pediatrician regarding your baby’s diaper rash, dryness, sensitive skin, and overall wellness. Whatever side you take on the disposable diapers debacle, you have the freedom to express yourself however you want in your new mom blog.

3. Choose your platform.


Next, you can choose your favorite platform. This will be the website where you’ll host your blog. You can choose from platforms like WordPress, Wix, Weebly, Squarespace, and Blogger. Most of these platforms are free and can include a custom domain so you can actually make your website your own.

4. Learn from the competition.

Furthermore, you can take notes from the best players on the field. This means reading other blogs that publish similar content to you—in other words, other mom blogs—so you can get a better idea of how you can do things the right way. Remember, these bloggers may have been around a long time posting articles of all sorts, and they have been through the ups and downs of making their blogs successful. Although you can learn a lot from them, don’t compare yourself to them to prevent getting discouraged.

5. Create your own videos.


Moreover, you can create your own videos and post them on other social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and even TikTok. You can create videos for your product reviews, short courses, unboxing videos of packs of diapers, Swaddlers, and wipes, and even humorous content. You can use an explainer video maker like Moovly. With Moovly, you can produce high-quality explainer videos that will actually capture your audience’s attention. Its drag-and-drop editor allows you to effortlessly apply a template, add text and graphics, and download your video to share on your platforms.

6. Improve your writing skills.

Lastly, you can take up a blog-writing course so you can improve your writing skills, which will benefit you in ways you can’t imagine. You want to be able to communicate your findings and expertise to your readers without much trouble, and a blog-writing course is just the way to do it.

These tips will help you become the mom blogger you always wanted to be.