Guide on How to Build Organic Backlinks
Backlinks continue to play an important role in site ranking. If a resource is backlinked, it means that it is popular with the audience and can claim high positions in SERPs. This simple principle, as before, is based on the logic of search engine ranking, but with its own significant nuances.
Link factor is no longer the absolute dominant. This means that the backlinks to the site are still important to promote, but on their own no longer work, and taken into account in conjunction with other ranking factors.
Link building is carried out with an eye to the Google Penguin algorithm. This filter for a few years cleaned up the search engine rankings and eradicated the situation where the possibility of search engine promotion by 90% depended on the purchased links. By 2015 the backlink exchange reached unprecedented volumes. Better ranked were those sites that were able to buy links en masse and ensure a short path to the top. Of course, in this scenario, the quality of sites in the rankings receded into the background.
Today, Penguin has largely solved this problem. Link spam is no longer an issue, and link building is being approached in a very nuanced way. Learn about the realities of cheap link building safely and getting the results you want.
Choosing The Right Site For Backlinks
The donor site should broadly correspond to the theme of the site to which the backlinks lead. This principle significantly enhances the effect of each received link and reduces the likelihood of search sanctions for abuse of backlinks. In addition to the thematic proximity of the two sites, it is important to strive to ensure that the document from which you receive a link, was as relevant to the target page. In practice, this does not always work, but it should be strived for, since the effect of link exchange in this case is the highest.
Safe balance of anchor and unanchor links
When building backlinks, it is important to keep an eye on the anchor list. A link profile dominated by queries with commercial-spam words like “buy”, “cheap”, etc. does not look natural to search engines and is a potential threat to the entire project. Since 2015, most optimizers have abandoned the use of anchor links.
Search engine algorithms care about the naturalness of the link profile. Crowdlinks become an effective aid in this matter. We are talking about signals from social sites: forums, social networks, otzovik and other places, where links are most likely left by live users.
Crowd-marketing is useful mainly because it well shades the effect of SEO links. Therefore, it is used as a stabilizing factor in the overall link building strategy. Also, because of its availability and security, crowdsourcing comes in handy when you need to ensure a stable link profile and posting backlinks every day or every few days is not as difficult (and costly) a task.
Choosing a quality donor is a slow and time-consuming process. Therefore, many may find it an attractive idea to use as much as possible a small sample of carefully tested sites and get links from the same resources. We hasten to disappoint you. Such a strategy is suitable only for the local promotion of landing pages. To increase overall trust, your site should link to unique domains. This is a fundamental condition, which is based on the logic of link building.
Expanding Topics
Subject donor sites should be close to the theme of the project promoted. This is a fundamental condition for effective link building. In this case, the link profile should be as diverse as possible. To observe these two seemingly contradictory conditions to the problem of expanding the thematic donors approach creatively, but all with the same strategic calculation.
Suppose you promote a carpentry workshop. In addition to thematically related sites, such as handyman forums, DIY-sites, etc., backlinks can be placed on third-party sites. For example, it can be a popular article in the media, an article with a direct link on a business site (of course, on the carpentry business), materials on resources devoted to construction or design, etc. Practice shows that if you connect creativity and logic, you can expand the thematicity of donors in any direction, while doing it in such a way that the link to the site remained 100% relevant.
Link Profile Monitoring
While focusing efforts and resources on getting new backlinks, it is important not to forget about monitoring the current profile. First and foremost, we are talking about setting up tracking received links. Those who order backlinks on exchanges in this matter is easier. Such services have the functionality to monitor investments. For independent tracking use specialized tools: Linkchecker, Ahrefs, guest posting service, etc. Thus, if the owners of the site remove the link you bought, you will notice the changes in time and be able to resolve the issue on the hot seat.
What should I pay attention to?
- Monitor spammy backlinks. A sharp increase in external links – a reason to be wary, because it may be a “gift” from unscrupulous competitors who have decided to pessimize your site this way;
- Check all new links and their source. Unwanted backlinks are much more likely to appear without malice;
- Control the anchor list. This will avoid situations where the link profile over time begins to dominate the same type of key.