3 Digital Advertising Trends to Jump On
John Lincoln from Ignite Visibility created a short and effective informational video explaining three digital advertising trends you should jump on before you miss the boat.
Video Summary
Video Ads
Video is the fastest growing medium online for people to consume content. People are looking for video because they simply do not have the time that they used to in order to read long 2,500 word long form type articles. These articles still are awesome for ranking in Google but video is really the next big thing for advertisers. On Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat, people live to be fed quick video clips and have the text shown as captions. Check out our video ad network list.
Native Ads
Native Ads will skyrocket in popularity. Native ads on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin are doing very well and better every single year. There are many types of native ads that perform such as text based ads, video, image, widgets and sponsored content. clients are seeing high performance in many cases and we are seeing ad dollars taken away from more traditional platforms like Google Adwords and Bing ads. Make sure sure to invest into native advertising opportunities. Check out our native ad network list.
Big Data
Companies who are operating off of big data are being so much more effective and ultimately generating higher margins.
Example: Advertiser A is setting up ads and only guessing and checking to form their campaigns.
Advertiser B is A/B testing three campaigns.
- Targeted to a list of old customers
- Targeted Using data from a list of people they know are the exact target customers from a curated list of data.
- Takes the similarities in these and turns them into personas and individual demographics so they can advertise specifically to similar people.
Smart marketers are taking advantage of this wave of big data, running and optimizing native ads, running video ads and finding out what works for each of these buckets to create specifically tailored marketing funnels for each.