The Mobile Majority Review

The Mobile Majority Medium Logo

Category: demand side platform
Monthly Stats: 225m+ data profiles
Traffic Minimum: Large traffic
Payment Model:  CPI, CPA, CPM, CPV, CPC
Countries: U.S. and Canada
Display: All mobile sizes
Mobile: banner ads, interstitials, native, video, and rich media
Video: mobile video
Targeting: Lat/long, city, DMA, custom GPS, Device, Time of Day OS, Category, Whitelist/Blacklist, Exchange, Carrier/Wifi, Publisher, CRM


The Mobile Majority, headquartered in Santa Monica, California, offers the first vertically-integrated mobile advertising platform, arming brands with a suite of products to execute every stage of successful media campaign: media, audience, creative, and measurement.The Mobile Majority improves mobile advertising by removing redundancies, reducing costs, and eliminating waste.

By controlling the entire advertising technology stack, The Mobile Majority guides ad buyers through the entire advertising process, delivering engaging rich-media to targeted audiences across 200 million mobile devices.

Understanding Mobile Viewability: The Mobile Majority

The Mobile Majority Mobile Viewability Infographic