Google’s April 21st Mobile Search Update

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Google Mobile Update

Mobilegeddon is here!

Yes, people on the internet are actually calling Google’s newest update Mobilegeddon.


If you do not have a mobile optimized website, you should definitely make the investment. earlier in 2015 Google made a historic announcement that it would be making a change to its search algorithms regarding mobile search queries. A “mobile friendliness” ranking signal would now be included by the mysterious algorithm and ultimately will help level the playing field for sites that are mobile device friendly.

Who is affected?

April 21st, 2015 – Update is Live – Google explained that these changes (not incliding a tablet) only affect a site’s search rank on mobile devices, individual pages or an entire website. According to a study found on TechCrunch only 52% of fortune 500 companies were not prepared for mobile search. Mobile, in general is most definitely the hot sector in digital marketing. Check out these 2015 digital marketing mobile trends and see for yourself.

Google is making a major optimization to it’s overall value with the update. according to eMarketer, There will be over 2 billion people using smart phones by 2016 and by 2018 more than 1/3 of global consumers will be on them. The update will affect all languages.

How long for it to take affect?

Google mentioned it will take up to a week to kick in.

How do i know if my site is Google mobile friendly?

Use Google’s mobile friendly testing tool:

How do I make my site mobile friendly?

There really are only two options and chances are you will lose prized mobile traffic if you don’t update.

  1. Do it yourself. Most newer WordPress themes are mobile optimized – consider upgrading to a mobile optimized theme. Make sure you back up all of your data and consult with a professional before attempting to change any aspect of your website.
  2. Hire someone to do it. Companies like Dudamobile specialize in mobile layouts and can upgrade your site.