Digital Marketing Mobile Trends in 2015

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Hopping Online Marketing  shares some amazing statistics regarding mobile trends in 2015.

2015, the year of Mobile.

There truly is a is a mobile movement going on. The trend of smartphone growth globally is spreading so quick and rapidly that sometimes we do not realize how connected we are to the global economy at all times of the day. Our handy phones and tablets are always by our sides day in and day out, sending and receiving data from all sorts of companies and technology platforms. Think about it: smart phones are always on, always with us and always connected! Consumers are becoming smarter which has led to smarter marketing. 

What do we do on our mobile devices?

We browse the internet, use a search engines, watch videos, share content and engage in social media. Here are some astonishing facts about our smart phones in 2015. According to hopping online:

  • 39% of people use their smart phones while using the bathroom.
  • 33% use their smart phone when watching TV
  • 22% use their smart phones when reading the paper
  • 1/3 people would give up chocolate to use their smart phone

Smart Phones and Shopping

Smart phones are the ultimate shopping companion. you can use them to search for coupons, compare items, find stores, create lists, talk to people about products, check reviews and even pay from your smart phone. 79% of consumers use a smart phone to assist when shopping.  70% of people use their smart phones when in a store.

Where are these purchases being made? In our own stomping grounds of course. 95% of people use their smart phones to search for local information with purchase intent. 88% take action in the same day when searching for a local product or service. 61% call a business and 59% visit a business. Mobile search queries have grown exponentially across all industries. 71% of us search because we saw an advertisement. 

79% of advertisers do not have a mobile optimized website! It is important to remember (both as a publisher and advertisers) to understand just how effective mobile is and that many users are judging your product and service based on the experience they have on their smart phone.

What’s the next phase of evolution for mobile advertising? Let us know in the comments!