3 Ways to Get Ready for Winter

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With pumpkin spice lattes already in stores and the weather cooling down, it’s a reminder that winter is on the way. Each year I like to use fall as a gentle reminder for all the things I need to do around my home before winter comes. If you live somewhere where temperatures drop considerably, then you need to be mindful of certain things such as the risk of pipes freezing and bursting. You’ll also want to check in on your heating options, to make sure that they’re working well and that you’ll be sufficiently warm during the winter. It’s also the perfect time to pick up a new hobby or sport. I find that if you don’t push yourself in that way it can be easy to spend the darkest, coldest months of the year at home on the couch wondering how you gained another 10 or 15 lbs this year. If you’re wanting to get ready for the winter, keep reading for my top 3 tips.

1. Check On Your Pipes
I’ve thankfully never had the experience of my water pipes freezing and bursting, but I can imagine it’s a downright horrible experience. Water would go everywhere, and could easily cause thousands of dollars in damage to furniture, electronics, and to the house itself. For that reason I think it’s worthwhile investing in some technology that will keep pipes from freezing. That way you can have peace of mind that no matter how far the temperature drops, that your pipes are going to be fine and you won’t have any expensive repair bills to worry about.

2. Audit Your Heating Options
What’s your plan for heating this year? Was your home sufficiently warm last year? How was your overall heating bill? Do you need to find a more sustainable or cheaper alternative? If you’re on the hunt for a new option, check out the best geothermal heating options in your area. Depending on where you live, your heating bills may be one of your biggest expenses during winter so finding a more economic option is not only great for your finances, but for the environment too.

3. Get Active

While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying some cozy evenings on the couch during the thick of winter, I think many people fall into the mistake of shutting down when the weather gets cold. I’m not a huge fan of the coldest months of the year, but I think it’s important to keep up with your favorite hobbies and pastimes no matter the weather. Sign up for a gym membership, try that yoga class you’ve always wanted to try, or make some sporting commitments with friends to keep you accountable. Staying active during winter will help you keep the winter blues at bay as well as enjoying that you look and feel your best. If you’re looking to transform your website, Ignite Digital can help you with that.

Being prepared for the winter months will help ensure you’re feeling more comfortable and that your house is able to weather the harsher conditions. I hope these three tips to get ready for winter help you feel prepared for the harshest time of the year.