Educational Content Online- The New Face of Learning
On the surface, it may seem that the online use of the internet (social media in particular) is purely for entertainment. However, recent trends have shown that more people are using social media for educational purposes – to share expertise and to learn new things.
People wishing to share their knowledge online can easily utilize social media such as YouTube, Facebook, or even TikTok. By monetizing their accounts, and boosting their social media presence using SubscriberZ, ordinary people can significantly increase their income by utilizing ad-based revenue streams on social media.
Educational Subjects on YouTube
A large portion of YouTube consists of people sharing their expertise, and users watching to learn new skills, and improve their knowledge base. Numerous channels on YouTube are dedicated to language learning courses, graphics design tutorials, children’s education, business, and financial education, how-to videos, and various other educational topics.
The wide variety that is available on YouTube, combined with its free service – makes it a very popular choice for users looking to learn through online means. Although no certification is given to students that complete online YouTube courses, the knowledge is nonetheless learned – and can be applied in real life situations. Studies show that over 80% of users from the US use the platform for learning new things. Educational YouTube videos can supplement traditional courses such are college courses or school classes, or completely replace them. In both cases, the user benefits from new insights into their topic of choice.
The Evolution of Educational Websites
Social media was not the first place educational content was shared online. The internet has always been used to provide education to the masses – and educational websites have been around since the start. Before the advent of the internet, learning at a distance was only possible through the mail. Naturally, as the internet developed, universities immersed their courses online and created pathways for learning at a distance by utilizing the internet. These courses slowly evolved to become the courses we can find online, paid and unpaid. One example is Straighterline, an online education platform that offers online college English classes as well as a plethora of other online college courses.
Of course, with the spread of the home-computer, and then the laptop, learning online became increasingly easier. Additionally, with the rise of social media, educators and ordinary people all over the world turned to the internet to share their expertise. Creating educational content for online courses has never been easier than it is now.
Social Media and Educational Websites
Although users might choose to learn through channels and pages directly on various social media platforms, sometimes they require more qualifications or need a certificate to prove they have completed a course. For certification, users can find websites online that provide courses (at a distance). These websites use social media as a marketing tool to bring in learners. Common marketing strategies include giving short courses for free on social media – as a ‘tester’. This gives the learner an idea of what they can expect should they choose to pay for the online course.
Other marketing tactics include sponsored ads, and affiliate links on vlogs, blogs, and other content available online.
Why Educational Content Online is Important
Millions of people all around the world do not have access to quality education. Some people are not able to afford the expenses required to improve skills in order to earn a better living. Educational content online is a cheap way for people to educate themselves, and work their way out of poverty, or improve their living conditions. Other populations that benefit from online educational sources are stateless people, undocumented people, as well as incarcerated individuals. As online education often does not require registration; it is a risk-free environment for these people, with the only requirement being access to the internet.
For Learners: How To Pick an Online Educational Source
As a student, you might want to consider the reasons you are looking for educational sources online. These are important factors to consider: Do you need a certificate? Are you looking to improve your knowledge or start from scratch? Are you willing to or able to pay for online education? How much time are you able to invest? Social media educational sources might be convenient but they will most likely not provide you with certification. Search for different media types – consider whether you prefer to learn from videos, audio, or by reading.
For Educators: Where to Share Knowledge Online
If you have the qualifications and are willing to invest in a website; you might choose to create your platform for education. Social media can be used to either promote your website or be the primary platform on which you share your content. Most social media platforms have options for revenue streams for content creators. The options are endless – if educating people is a passion of yours, doing so online is a way to reach a larger population easily.
For both students and educators alike, online education is a convenient tool to use. It has gained popularity in recent years and is expected to rise further in the coming years.