5 Tips To Improve The Online Visibility of Your Ecommerce Site
5 Ways To Improve The Online Visibility of Your Ecommerce Site
If you are looking to grow and increase the visibility of your eCommerce site, there are many actions that you can take to maximize exposure. With more visibility, you will generate more sales and increased profits. Here are five tips that you can follow to help grown your online business into a monetary success.
Begin blogging
There is no better way to promote your growing business than to begin your own blog. Blogging allows you to post a plethora of information on your site while also marketing to your customer base. Starting a blog is free (unless you hire a web designer) and can be easy to market. Make sure to add fresh content on a regular basis to encourage your customers to revisit your site. Also, place links on your blog to encourage customers to visit your store.
Maintain a Social Media Presence
If you have a growing eCommerce site, then you should open a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram account. If utilized correctly, these online platforms allow a business to connect to a customer base online. You can advertise through friends and family by posting pictures or links throughout your social media site. You can also notify the public when items go on sale or provide a discount code for social media users. With social media, individuals can post information about your business on their personal pages so that their friends will visit and make purchase.
Incorporate SEO in your website
All new websites should encourage search engine optimization (SEO) in order to rank well in search engines. SEO also allows for customers to have a more positive online buying experience. You should do some research on some keywords and phrases that consumers use regularly. You should also try and incorporate high quality pictures throughout your website so that customers can see important details. If you are unsure how to incorporate SEO on your website, then there are many consultants that you can hire to help with the process.
Advertise on other sites
If you want to gain maximum exposure, you may choose to advertise on other websites. You can contact a blog owner and ask if they would be willing to place an ad on their site for a small fee. You can also guest blog on other people’s sites and at the end of their posts, leading individuals either to your website or blog. You can also advertise your online business through sites like Craigslist.
Submit Your Site into Search Engines
For a new website, you may want to submit your site into search engines to gain maximum exposure. Although it can take a while to see true results, submitting to search engines and directories allows you to rank higher in Google, Yahoo and other online platforms. For some of these directories, you have to submit your blog or website into their system on a regular basis.
Professionals who really want to maximize profits use Woocommerce to further help gain more exposure. This user-friendly site allows an individual to sell practically anything on the Internet. Currently WooCommerce assists over 30% of all online stores, making them a necessity for most online business owners. Remember that there are many ways that you can change your website to gain more exposure. Growing an online business is not easy but with a great deal of effort and determination, you will see positive results over time.
Jessica Kane is a professional blogger who has worked in eCommerce for the last five years. She currently writes for Rakuten Super Logistics and recommends them for all your fulfillment center needs to further your success.