The Hidden Value of Long Tail SEO

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Long tail SEO is a white-hat SEO process that involves targeting less competitive, highly specific search terms (long tail key-words) Since over 70% of all search queries are for long tail terms, there is incredible value in taking control of those keywords. Having a scalable strategy to target and convert on long tail keywords is key for the serious digital marketer.

Source: Hittail

Infographic Summary

What is Long Tail SEO?
According to hittail Long tail SEO is a technique of targeting highly specific niche search terms (long tail keywords) that usually consist of 3+ words and are much easier to rank for due low competition.

Ranking potential and conversion rates:
Pages optimized for long-tail keywords move up 11 positions on average, compared to just 5 positions for head keywords
Conversion rates for long-tail keywords are 2.5 higher than for head keywords. Click through rates increase as keywords become more specific.

Take Action:

  • Add new content on a consistent schedule. Publish one targeted article or blog post for each underperforming keyword of at least 400 words in length
  • For best results, set a publishing schedule and stick to it. Quality always trumps quantity; it is better to produce 2 high-quality posts per month than 10 low-quality posts.

Use a variety of long tail keywords:

  • Search engines love sites that target a diverse set of keywords. Fortunately, there are plenty of long tail keywords to choose from. There are many sources for long tail keywords but the best are those that you mine from your own search traffic.

Spread the word:

  • Build a social media presence. Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube are all wildly popular places. The key is finding where your audience hangs out.
  • Generate press releases. Press releases are still a great way to gain exposure (and links) when you have a newsworthy announcement to share.
  • Participate in online communities. Engaging with people in your audience in public forums is a great way to establish yourself as an authority figure.