Citi Bike NYC BMX Video

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It’s about time someone made a Citi Bike BMX video. This city bike program is the largest  of any major city in the United States. Tyrone Williams shows off his BMX skills on the streets of NYC. The program itself is very beneficial for the city and is saving daily commuters of money and giving them a chance to exercise before and after work. The cost of the program is $7 for a day, $25 for a week or best of all, $90 for the whole year. This is way less expensive then taking the subway.

How Does Citi Bike Work?

While it may seem dangerous, there are set biking paths that thousands safely ride along every day to work. There are hundreds of docking stations throughout the city to pick up or drop off your bike that are accessed by PIN codes, or an access card that is mailed to you if you buy the year package. When you take out a bike there is a security deposit that is applied to your credit card, but quickly refunded once the bike is returned. This is to ensure that they are not being stolen. There are also repair crews deployed throughout the city to fix broken bikes and make sure they are safe for public use.

Update (November 10th, 2013):  It has been reported that there have been no fatalities on Citibikes since the program began. This is most likely due tot he fact that cabs and city drivers have become more accepting of the fact that the road is to be shared with cyclist and they are a normal part of the transportation network of New York City.