Functions of Management
Functions of Management
Management is getting work done through others. (Williams, C., 2010) Some managers are better suited to manage and certain qualities separate the good managers from the great. After analyzing Jim Collins’ book,Good to Great, it is evident that the two most important functions of management are a manager’s ability to lead and to plan.
A successful manager must have a disciplined style of leadership. Without proper leadership, employees of any corporate structure will be unable to utilize the skills they possess in an effective manner due to a lack of direction. Level 5 leadership is defined as someone who “builds enduring greatness through a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will”. (Collins, J., 2001) Level 5 leaders can induce an era of immense growth. A prime example is David Maxwell’s transformation of Fannie Mae from a company that was losing 1 million a day, into a “high performance culture”. (Collins, J., 2001)
To create an ever-improving company culture, a manager must have a keen sense of organization. Many companies have the right people, but they are not placed in the right positions. Therefore, their potential is not maximized. A level 5 manager will recognize where his employees are best suited to work, which will enable the company to move in the right direction. A metaphor Collins uses to enforce this idea is: “they first got the right people on the bus (and the wrong people off the bus) and then figured out where to drive it”. (Collins, J, 2001) Once the leader moves the right workers to the right positions, a company can succeed in reaching its goals.
A manager’s ability to establish Level 5 leadership, and organize his employees to set them up for constant success is the framework for a long lasting, effective company. In Good to Great Collins delves into how the proper use of these two functions creates an atmosphere for success, and a company culture that is ever improving.
Jim Collins, (2001). Good To Great. New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc.
Chuck Williams, (2010). MGMT 2: Student Edition. South Western Cengage Learning