technology Archive

How To Market Using Voice Search

Voice search technology is more advanced than ever before, and it’s being increasingly perfected by digital maestros who accurately foresee it playing an important role in the future of marketing. Many entrepreneurs and marketing gurus are nevertheless ignoring the serious potential of voice search because they feel as if

How an Ad Server Works

Author: | Categories: Definitions No comments How does an Ad Server work? When a user decides to go online, they type the URL in their browser that they want to visit. The media owner, who owns the website, probably has their site hosted on a shared web server from a company like GoDaddy or

Google May Purchase for 1Billion Cash

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Google + = ?, a very popular website that allows video gamers to live stream videos has been purchased by Google for a hefty 1 Billion. The branded site went live in 2011 and has recently been under the microscope a few months ago for its

Roger Federer Uses Google Glass During Workout

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Roger Federer puts the moves on with a HD video thanks to the wonderful product Google Glass. Federer is a 17 time world Champion and maybe he will consider wearing the product during real matches.. That would be epic. Looks like GoPro may have a run for its money

Acorns’ App Will Make Investing Spare Change Easy Peasy

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Ready to invest your spare change the right way? Everyone that has money can definitely make small adjustments on a daily basis to maximize their income and invest into a diversified portfolio. Welcome to 2014, the new age of investing. The US Born micro investment company recently secured a

The Heartbleed Bug: Your Internet Passwords At Risk

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According to Codenomican an American digital security company based in Saratoga, California, and a few security engineers at Google, the passwords you use on a daily basis may not really be safe. You know that “lock” icon that is next to a web url with HTTPS after it? It may

Apple To Mitigate Texting While Walking Epidemic: Transparent Texting

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Texting and walking. It’s a problem that a large percentage of the population faces. Your walking down the street, not looking ahead, glued to your cellular device trying to send a test, look up data on your internet browser or explore your favorite app. You know texting while walking is

AppNexus Releases Next Generation Media Buying Console

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AppNexus, a New York City based display and mobile online advertising trading platform has officially set live the next generation of its UI called AppNexus The Next Generation. The New console has been in development for a while now and has a slew of promising features. The goal of