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Marketing Tips for Success on Pinterest

This infographic gives you all the tools and and advice you need to become a successful marketer on Pinterest. Let us know in the comments what works best for you! Infographic The Key Takeaways Pinterest by the numbers: Active Users on Pinterest: 70 Million Over 30 billion pins 750
Basic Internet Advertising Definitions

What is Internet Advertising? Internet advertising is simply the buying of ad space on the internet. The profound changes that the internet had on humanity since it’s birth has fundamentally changed the way marketers see consumers and created a new discipline of marketing and advertising. Why do companies use the internet
Ban of Google DNS By Turkey: Limiting Social Media Exposure

Turkey continues to limit social media exposure throughout the country. In latest news, back way entrance to communications platforms such as twitter is now blocked through Google DNS. Youtube could potentially be blocked next for not deleting videos that claim corruption within the government. The prime minister of