Infographic Archive
How Snapchat can Expand your Brand

If you don’t know what Snapchat is, it’s time to get accustomed! Snapchat is an instant video messaging app that you can download on to your smartphone. Increasingly, brands are using the app to reach their target audience while also expanding their market. Snapchat allows business owners and managers
23 Linkedin Updates To Make you More Hireable

When you spend a great deal of time and effort creating a LinkedIn profile it’s easy to just set it and forget it. It is very important for every business professional to optimize their LinkedIn profile on a regular basis to increase their attractiveness to potential clients or employers. Infographic Summary
Motivations for Sharing 3rd Party Content on Facebook

This survey conducted by Fractl, a content marketing agency, gives granular insights into why people share specifically 3rd party content Facebook. See Also: 5 Tips for Optimized Pinterest Pins Twitter Power User Cheat Sheet 8 Productivity Hacks from Linkedin Influencers Infographic Summary Primary Reasons People Share Content on Facebook
How To Pick the Right Social Platform to Grow your Sales

Salesforce created a great infographic to help you determine which of the many popular social media platforms is the right one to grow your sales pipeline. See Also The Best and Worst Times to Post On Social Media 20 Productivity Apps to Stay Organized 5 Tips to Optimize Tweets
11 Tips How to Choose a CPC Ad Network

AdNgin, a turn key solution which boosts AdSense Revenue and optimizes user experience through continuous testing created this nice publisher checklist to give publishers tips on how to choose a cost per click ad network. Infographic Summary High CPCs and RPMs – make the most ad revenue from every visitor. Customixation and
5 Tips to Optimize Your Mobile Strategy

RhythmOne, an adtech company focusing on fully integrated advertising solutions, spanning desktop and mobile video, rich media, display, social and native formats let’s us know some key tips to optimize our mobile strategy. Infographic Summary by 2019 of those online in the us 86% will own a smartphone and
Why Pinterest Matters to Marketing

Pinterest is the 3rd most popular social network in the US being 5 years old with over 100 million users and 80% of the coveted traffic coming from mobile. If you are not utilizing pinterest to market your brand, you are missing out! Here is what you need to
5 Tips to Optimize Tweets for Brands Presence

Optimize Your Tweets for Maximum Brands Presence Twitter has over 500 million daily tweets from 317 million active users of which 80% are tweeting and consuming content from the mobile devices. With the rise of mobile, Twitter is a powerful and scale-able platform for marketers to generate and convert leads. Infographic Summary: