IAB Archive
Getting the IAB Digital Media Sales Certification

Everyone wants to work in digital advertising! It’s 2015 and everyone wants to find a way to get their foot in the door of the digital advertising industry. Who wouldn’t want to be in one of the most creative, lucrative, technologically driven industries that is poised to continue on it’s
Understanding Programmatic Advertising – IAB

The Interactive Advertising Bureau, more commonly known in the industry as the IAB delivers the most concise definitions of digital advertising concepts. Learn what programmatic is from industry professionals. What is Programmatic Advertising? Quotes Carl Kalapesi, the Senior Director of Industry Initiates of the IAB defines drogrammatic as: Programmatic
IAB on Viewability 2015

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), the watchdog agency that sets the standards for the digital advertising industry created a video to report on viewability trends and statistics for 2015. With viewbility and ad fraud still being a major concern for advertisers, it is very important that all of the stakeholders in
Evolution of Online Display Advertising

The Evolution of Online Display Advertising is too complicated to put into words. When i decide to take a look into the annals of digital marketing history, I find myself watching videos that show how different aspects of the industry have co-evolved and connected over time. The Interactive Advertising Bureau
Great Websites for Digital Media News

Top websites for digital media news, views and concepts The digital ad space is very intricate and interlinked. Take one look at the Lumascape and you can imagine why: If an industry professional tells you that they understand exactly how the LumaScape works, they are either a genius or lying and
Seven Guidelines for Describing Your Communication’s Purpose

Follow these 7 Guidelines and Commnicate Effectively Create a mental movie of your reading in the act of reading Describe the task your communication will help your reader perform Describe the way you want your communication to alter your reader’s attitudes Describe your reader’s professional characteristics Global Guideline: Describe
Online Advertising Defined

What is Online Advertising Defined? Online advertising has become the preferred method for companies to market their products to customers. The primary reason for this is the efficiency, effectiveness and ability to give a personalized advertisement to potential customers who are searching the web on their computers and wireless devices. Marketers