Google Archive
Google Allows Publishers to Block Sensationalist Ads

Google Allows Publishers to Block Sensationalist Ads Guest Post by: Freelance SEO Essex Sensationalist Clickbait Could Seriously Damage Your SEO New filters unveiled by Google will block sensationalist, misleading or sensitive content, and the impact on SERP rankings could be significant. However savvy we might think ourselves, we have
Google on Video Viewability [Infographic]

How viewable are video ads? Think with Google released an infographic to educate the industry on how viewability is measured on video ads. Video ads have become a major source of revenue for publishers, preferred creatives for advertisers and a segment of the industry that needs to go under the microscope to
Google’s April 21st Mobile Search Update

Mobilegeddon is here! Yes, people on the internet are actually calling Google’s newest update Mobilegeddon. Google Webmaster Central Blog: Rolling out the mobile-friendly update via @googlewmc — Google Webmasters (@googlewmc) April 21, 2015 If you do not have a mobile optimized website, you should definitely make the
The Best and Worst times to Post on Social Media

When to post on a specific social network? Not all social networks are created equal. In this day and age content is created, shared, categorized distributed at an exponentially growing pace through differentiated channels. It’s tough to always reach your target audience and generate engagement when posting on social media accounts
Google Ad Exchange Overview

Google Ad Exchange Overview Google Ad Exchange, also known as the DoubleClick Exchange, DoubleClick, or Google ADX is the most widely used and most reliable digital advertising exchange for publishers, networks and advertisers/agencies on the market today. DoubleClick has two main products to serve it’s clients, DoubleClick Digital Marketing known as
Google May Purchase for 1Billion Cash

Google + = ?, a very popular website that allows video gamers to live stream videos has been purchased by Google for a hefty 1 Billion. The branded site went live in 2011 and has recently been under the microscope a few months ago for its
Roger Federer Uses Google Glass During Workout

Roger Federer puts the moves on with a HD video thanks to the wonderful product Google Glass. Federer is a 17 time world Champion and maybe he will consider wearing the product during real matches.. That would be epic. Looks like GoPro may have a run for its money
Ban of Google DNS By Turkey: Limiting Social Media Exposure

Turkey continues to limit social media exposure throughout the country. In latest news, back way entrance to communications platforms such as twitter is now blocked through Google DNS. Youtube could potentially be blocked next for not deleting videos that claim corruption within the government. The prime minister of
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