Computer Archive Does this image look familiar? It has been viewed by over a billion humans since it became the stock Windows XP desktop image since 2011. North of san fransisco a beautiful green valley. Chuck O’ Rear took the famous Bliss photo. Is the famous Bliss photo real or photoshopped? To take the photo chuck
Diablo III can now be considered a successful addition to the legendary click and kill PC based (but also a version for PlayStation 1) Anyone who was has immersed themselves in the world of Diablo will never forget the endless hours of leveling up, farming for items and completing
Recently, a video game programmer surprised his long time girlfriend with an unexpected in-game quest that led to a proposal. The programmers website tells the tale of how it all began and his inspiration to propose within a computer game.
Computer Code is our DNA Code is embedded into our lives whether we realize it or not. It is the universal language between humans and computers that has come a long way since the prehistoric days of coding, even before binary code (1’s and 0’s). This PBS clip explains