Candy Industry Archive
Resource Availability: The Candy Industry

Resource Availability: The Candy Industry Critical Resources The most important critical resources in for the candy industry are cocoa, sugar, corn sweeteners, coal, natural gas, and fuel oil. These are all very important ingredients that companies will use to produce the candy. It is very clear that in order
Opportunities in The Candy Industry

Opportunities In The Candy Industry One of the opportunities that the candy industry has is the fact that nutritionists have accepted dark chocolate as a healthy alternative to milk chocolate (BNP Media, 2009) . This is an opportunity because candy companies can start developing new types of products revolving around dark chocolate.
Evaluating Industry Marketing Practices: The Candy Industry

Evaluating Industry Marketing Practices – The Candy Industry Marketing is imperative to the growth of every company. It is used to capture the consumer and keep the consumer interested in the product. Hershey’s food corporation and Nestle Co. are both candy manufacturers that can easily be compared because they