Ad Tech Archive

How Publishers Can Stay Ahead of the Ad Tech Curve

How Publishers Stay Ahead of the Ad Tech Curve? Today’s Guest Post is by Automatad Are you a publisher that is staying ahead of the ad tech curve? Ad tech is one of the complex and ever-evolving industries. With myriads of intermediaries, fraudsters, and technically overloaded ecosystem, we can say

Why Understanding Click Fraud is Important

Why is Understanding Click Fraud Important? Digital advertising is not only a highly effective way of reaching your target audience, but it has also one of the billion dollar industries today. However, the real question remains whether all those clicks or views are actually being generated by your real

The Future of Mobile Advertising is Native

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Native Advertising: The Future of Mobile Ads In recent years, mobile marketing has been more popular. It presented businesses with an excellent opportunity to tap the growth of smartphone use all over the globe. It is a promising platform because it is not only cost-effective, but it also has

Ad Tech Companies in LA

If you are looking to move to LA to start or continue your career in Ad Tech, here are some of the top Ad Tech companies that operate in the City of Angels. Please reach out on our contact page to be added to the list: Links to companies

Ad Tech in New York vs. Paris

Smart Ad Server, a reputable full stack ad technology platform created this great infographic that describes what ad tech is like in two very different cities. See Also: Mobile Media Consumption in Vietnam What is Domain Masking? Growing a Well Balanced Blog Infographic Summary Users in New York Spend