How to Create a Fire Evacuation Plan for Your Business

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There are a couple of things that should be established when considering creating a fire evacuation plan for your business. The first and possibly most important one is what in fact is an evacuation plan? Prevention consists in eliminating the causes of fire outbreaks as well as implementing measures to limit the human and material consequences in the unfortunate event of a disaster. These plans should have all relevant scenarios of possible emergencies covered in order for employees to be sufficiently prepares, emergencies may include natural disasters, industrial accidents, military attacks, structure failures and more, this is why equipping yourself with emergency alerts systems as well as outdoor warning sirens can only be to your benefit. 

Quick Tips to Overcome the Fire with Little Damage Fast:

  • Act quickly. Particularly in moments of importance acting fast is what can make the difference, alarms and alerts should be given as soon as possible. 
  • All individuals and personnel should be brought back to safety as fast as possible (without causing further injury or panic) 
  • Alerting outside help such as the fire department and the emergency medical technicians
  • A swift and appropriate reaction should be had by nearby personal to either extinguish or contain the onset of the fire while awaiting outside intervention

At it’s core, a fire evacuation plan is a diagram showing the safest emergency exit routes from a building. Intended to prepare all staff by providing them with all the information they would need in case of evacuation as quickly and, safely, as possible. Such a plan can be broken down in three large steps: Evacuation, intervention and fire safety guidelines. 

 ✅ Evacuation 

Evacuation routes should be clearly identified

Directing yourself towards and finding the safe assembly points for identification should be made easy by clearly identified and marked “safety” lighting.

Have a Predetermined Assembly Point

This safety measure will ensure a safe meeting place for all individuals present in the building

Have a Dedicated Structure in Place 

In order to ensure the safe evacuation of everyone, an organization is necessary and must be adapted to the specificities of the establishment. This organization can involve a specific evacuation team with members having distinct roles from directing people to secure exists, verifying everyone has been evacuated and an information gatherer capable of updating emergency services. 

✅ Intervention 

    Use Fire Extinguishers

Once the alarms have been set off having personnel that is trained in the use of fire extinguishers can be very useful as they can help contain the fire while giving individuals seeking safety more time. 

✅ Create an Emergency Communication Chain

Fires ten to affect more than just the people within the four wall of the building. Keeping a list of contacts and their phone numbers in designated key locations as well as contact information such as local medical centers and hospitals is a major advantage in the event of an emergency. 

✅ Fire Safety Guideline

    Train your Personnel 

Fire prevention can’t be improvised. It’s primordial that all staff is trained in the organization of firefighting and have instructions to follow that are specific to the establishment in which they are located. 

✅ Guidelines Should be Visible

For better prevention, the fire safety instruction should be posted in an apparent and visible way in each room or corridor.

✅ Structure your Guidelines

Your fire safety instructions should include three parts. General instruction regarding the whole establishment and applying to all people (organization of the evacuation and the intervention, location of the intervention material). Special instruction for certain personnel such as reception, security and evacuation team members and finally, specific instructions particularly for certain types of work (hot sports for example) or certain premises (such as workshop, warehouse, storage area) 

In conclusion, keep your plan simple for other to be able to integrate it swiftly and simply while providing them all the essential components. Practice your fire evacuation plan regularly. With practice your employees will gain confidence in their role and learn the safest routes out of the building in the event of an emergency. Furthermore, in case of a fire they will be more likely to leave the building in a calm and orderly and most importantly safe manner.