Header Bidding Archive

4 Server to Server (S2S) Header Bidding Trends

Header bidding has indeed taken the digital advertising industry by storm in 2017 with more and more publishers switching their ad stacks from a traditional tag based waterfall, to a client or server side header bidding setup. See Related: Header Bidding Guide for Dummies Most publishers use a client side

Header Bidding Trends for Publishers in 2018

Header Bidding Trends for Publishers in 2018 It’s 2018, a two years have passed and header bidding is still discussed and debated on a daily basis around water coolers all over the industry. Header bidding is likely the most lucrative option for publishers to maximize revenue and improve operational efficiency

Header Bidding Guide for Dummies

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This is an ongoing guide and we welcome contributions from the community. Please email digitaladblog@gmail.com with any inquiries or if you are a publisher and would like a free header bidding consultation for your website. If you are in Adtech, you hear about header bidding every single day. If you

What is Header Bidding?

Please see our updated post: Header Bidding Guide for Dummies What is Header Bidding? Header Bidding, sometimes known as an ad server integration allows a demand partner to hold an auction outside of the publisher ad server and pass a CPM bid in real time by placing a code in